Insights From Our Boston Architectural Rep

Behind the Scenes at MetroWall: Introducing Our Boston Architectural Representative

What makes 2022 such an exciting time for MetroWall clients in Boston? What pressure are many architects facing in the current working climate? And what kind of relationship between suppliers and professionals has become more important than ever?

We asked new team member Ariana Burdett, MetroWall’s Greater Boston Architectural Representative, for her insights into the challenges and opportunities facing projects in the area.

Read on to discover Ariana’s views as well as go behind the scenes of her Architectural Representative work…

Greater Boston’s Architecture Projects in 2022 – Ariana’s Insights

Ariana, a Tufts University Engineering Science and Architectural Studies graduate with almost 20 years of professional experience, explained that she has begun her MetroWall role at an exciting time for the Boston area:

“There’s great opportunity in Boston!

“The city is shifting and expanding constantly and that’s why cranes are everywhere.”

Ariana outlined that she had seen a rising challenge for projects and identified the simple key to leveraging this into an opportunity.

“A common obstacle in today’s world is that project timelines seem to keep getting compressed, yet product lead times seem to keep getting longer and more unpredictable.”

“MetroWall is intensely focused on procurement and making sure we have product continuously stocked so that we can deliver within 3-4 weeks to meet the most challenging schedules.”

“Most of all, the collaborative process between customers, stakeholders and MetroWall is more important than ever. Organizations in a post-Covid world place higher priority on both transparency and collaboration so it’s an exciting time for working smarter and working better together,” she said.

Ariana added that her initial weeks in her new role had shown how MetroWall offers a unique solution to the architectural challenge of such a rapidly-changing city.

“I’ve learned so fast, with the support of the entire team of super dedicated and driven people here, that speed, responsiveness, and commitment to delivering great projects are very much at the heart of the company.

“We sell direct to the customer allowing us to really walk what we talk. After all when you call us you’re speaking directly to the people who design, engineer, sell, manufacture and install our product getting you the right solution faster!”.

She explained that “diving into a project” is a favourite part of her role.

“Understanding what the customer is trying to achieve and coming up with the right solution really motivates me.”

She concluded that her early days “have been filled with conversations about unique challenges and brainstorming to come up with a solution” and pointed out that this makes her “hopeful for the future!”.

Behind the Scenes With Ariana

Ariana also gave a glimpse of her typical workday, and more, by answering our Team MetroWall questions!

Duties of the Greater Boston Architectural Representative role: “To grow company sales by pursuing and advising clients, driving product specification and ensuring a level of service that exceeds expectations.”

Brief career history: “I studied Architectural Engineering and started my career as a Designer. I’ve worn many different hats while working with customers across multiple different industries from both the design and sales side of the workplace world.”

Typical day: “No two days are the same! But usually a mix of collaborating with customers on projects, meeting internally with teammates to information share and make sure everything is running smoothly as well as reaching out to new contacts to share our company and products.”

Why work at MetroWall: “Everyone I met here is not only a really nice person but also incredibly passionate about what they do and working hard to deliver for our customers.  That energy, combined with the opportunity to be part of a growing company with great products that can be delivered quickly in an increasingly complex world, swayed me to accept a new challenge.”

Favorite things about the role: “Meeting new people and getting to work on so many amazing projects – each with their own set of challenges to find solutions for.”

Most interesting challenges in the role: “Every day presents a new challenge. Right now it’s learning all of the details of our systems and capabilities. I’m excited to work with our customers to find the perfect solution to their challenges.”

Work ethos: “Work hard, have passion for what you do, be honest, admit when you don’t know the answer but commit to finding it out.”

Favorite quote:

Listen to Mustn’ts, child, listen to the Don’ts.

Listen to the Shouldn’ts, the Impossibles, the Won’ts.

Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.

Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.

-Shel Silverstein

Dream job: “Travel blogger”

Hobbies: “Travel, Skiing, sailing, sitting on the beach with a good book, discovering the world with my 1 and 3 year old.”

Modern Office Curved Glass walls

Why MetroWall?

We’re proud to be much more than just a supplier for the professionals who rely on us for expert help to make their glass partition project as easy as possible.

That’s because our team, using years of industry experience, approaches each project as a consultant to ensure successful project outcomes.

We design and manufacture and our glass partitions ourselves in New York and even deliver and install using our own expert team.

Ultimately, professionals work for us for two big reasons: our 15 years of experience and our local inventory as this means expertise without the delays!


For product inspiration plus sustainability and LEED data click here. To speak to a MetroWall partitional wall specialist simply contact us. We’re here to help.

See also: Choosing a Glass Partition Provider? Ask These Questions First, Glass Door ADA Compliance: Three Things to Know



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