Sustainability is often thought of as a journey with a definitive endpoint, but this is not the case. Sustainability is an ongoing journey that demands we consistently look for ways to make an impact and innovate. Here are just a few ways MetroWall has built sustainable habits and practices at our manufacturing facility in Congers, NY.
Saying “No” to Chemicals
Traditional glass cleaners often contain harsh chemicals that can have negative long-term health effects. These chemicals can also leach into water systems and contribute to air pollution when released into the atmosphere. As a result, opting for a glass cleaner that doesn’t use any chemicals was a no-brainer for us. The glass cleaner we use only requires warm water. Not only does it lower our ecofootprint, but it also ensures the health of our production team. Take a look at our glass cleaner in action.
Rethinking Packaging
Crating is a common method used to ship delicate items because it protects the goods from getting damaged when they travel long distances. However, crating increases shipping costs, can be hard to handle and maneuverer in close quarters, and has a great environmental impact. Wood crating uses a lot of timber resources and once the crate arrives on site it has to be disassembled and disposed of, leading to unnecessary waste. To decrease the amount of shipping waste we produce, our material is packed into our vans so that they are protected, but loose to avoid crating waste.

We Can’t Stress It Enough: Specify Local
MetroWall’s manufacturing facility is based in Congers, NY, which means it’s ideally located to serve Northeastern markets. By manufacturing our products closer to the point of use, we significantly decrease the emissions generated from transportation. Furthermore, we’re able to implement more quality control measures and find new ways to innovate and build sustainability into our process.
“Well-being is realized by small steps, but is truly no small thing.”
For nearly two decades, we have collaborated with many organizations working hard to bring about change one step at a time and for this, we applaud the work that has been done. But we know there is still more to be done and we look forward to working with you to improve our industry and the markets we serve.
What sustainability initiatives is your company implementing? Share your efforts in the comments below.